Practice Test

Q1) A ' acquired certain goods from 'C' by falsely representing that he was acting on behalf of 'B' & was authorized to collect the goods .'A' later sold the goods to 'D'.is the sale valid ? Show Answer

Q2) A ,enfeebled by disease or age ,is induced by B ,his attendant to agree to pay B an unreasonable sum for his professional services .Can B enforce the agreement ? Show Answer

Q3) When the consent to an agreement is obtained by coercion ,the agreement is voidable at the option of Show Answer

Q4) A being indebted to B ,the money -lender of his village ,contracts a fresh loan on terms which appears to be unconscionable .will it be presumed that the contract was induced by the undue influence ? Show Answer

Q5) Moral pressure is involved in the case of Show Answer

Q6) If by an agreement a person is bound to do something which is against his personal or professional duty ,or which intervenes in another 's personal or professional interest is Show Answer

Q7) _______is the term used in English law to denote actual or threatened violence over the person or another including his wife ,parents or child ,with a view to obtain his consent to an agreement Show Answer

Q8) A falsely represents to B that 500 tonnes of cement are made annually at A's factory & thereby induces B to buy the factory .the contract is voidable Show Answer

Q9) Agreement with a view to defraud others is Show Answer

Q10) A's son had forged B's name to a promissory note. B under threat of prosecuting A's son ,obtains a bond from A for the amount of the forged note .B sues on bond .will he succeed ? Show Answer

Q11) Which of the following acts does not fall under the categories of fraud ? Show Answer

Q12) If the contract is avoided on grounds of _________it is at the discretion of the court to direct the aggrieved party to restore or refund the benefit received Show Answer

Q13) The aggrieved party can rescind the contract on account of fraud. Can he also claim damages from the other party ? Show Answer

Q14) where the misrepresentation is intentional , deliberate & willful, with an intent to deceive the other party ,such misrepresentation = Fraud Show Answer

Q15) If a discipline agrees to gift to his spiritual Guru, his entire property in return for attainment of salvation ,the agreement can be set aside on ground of Show Answer

Q16) Mere silence is not fraud unless Show Answer

Q17) A person to whom money has been paid or anything delivered by mistake or under coercing ,must repay or return it Show Answer

Q18) to be covered under misrepresentation ,statement must be wrong ,but the person making it believed it to be true Show Answer

Q19) A mere attempt at deceit by one party Show Answer

Q20) H sells a horse to G knowing well that the horse is vicious H does not disclose the nature of the horse to G .Can X be made liable to G for the transaction ? Show Answer

Q21) Candy vs Lindsay Case deals with Show Answer

Q22) Coercion is Show Answer

Q23) Which of these constitute essential elements of fraud ? Show Answer

Q24) D was infected by disease. B his medical attendant influenced him to agree to pay B an unreasonable sum of his professional services. D's consent is not free and based on undue influence. This contract is - Show Answer

Q25) When the consent of a party is not free,the contract is Show Answer

Q26) Consent is not said to be free when it is caused by Show Answer

Q27) When the consent of a party is obtained by fraud ,the contract is Show Answer

Q28) The threat to commit suicide amounts to Show Answer

Q29) A wrong representation when made without any intension to decide the other party amounts to Show Answer

Q30) Which of the following is true ? Show Answer

Q31) X agrees to sell his car worth Rs.2,00,000 to Y for Rs.30,000 only , & X's consent was obtained by coercion .Here the agreement is Show Answer

Q32) Coercion involves Show Answer

Q33) A threatens to kill B if he does not agree to sell his scooter to him for Rs.1,000 only .Here B's consent is obtained by Show Answer

Q34) When the consent of an agreement is obtained by coercion ,the agreement is voidable at the option of Show Answer

Q35) Where one party is in a position to dominate the will of another & uses his superior position to obtain the consent of a weaker party, the consent is said to be obtained by Show Answer

Q36) Which of the following acts does not fall under the category of fraud ? Show Answer

Q37) Where the consent of a party is obtained by misrepresentation ,the contract is Show Answer

Q38) Which of the following is false ? Show Answer

Q39) Where the consent of both the party is given by mistake, the contract is Show Answer

Q40) If both parties believe the existence of the subject matter at the time of contract and such a thing is in existence , then the contract is Show Answer

Q41) A contract made by mistake about the Indian Law is Show Answer

Q42) A contract made by mistake about the Foreign law is Show Answer

Q43) A mistake as to law not in force in India has the same effect as Show Answer

Q44) X & Y both believes that a particular kind of rice is being sold in the market at Rs.10,000 per quintal & X sells rice of that kind to Y at Rs.10,000 per quintal. But ,in fact, the market price was Rs.12,000.The contract is Show Answer

Q45) Fraud means Show Answer

Q46) Threat to commit suicide amount to 1.Coercion , 2. Offence under the Indian Penal Court , 3. Undue Influence , 4.Fraud Show Answer

Q47) Contract caused by which of the following is voidable ,1.Fraud , 2.Mis-representation , 3.Coercion , 4. Bilateral Mistake Show Answer

Q48) An agreement is void when there is Show Answer

Q49) Which of the following is an essential element of misrepresentation Show Answer

Q50) A contracts with B to buy a necklace ,believing it is made of pearls whereas in fact it is made of imitation pearls of no value .B knows that A is mistaken & takes no steps to correct the error .Now A wants to cancel the contract on the basis of fraud. Which of the following statements is correct ? Show Answer

Q51) Mr.K invites all his friends for a dinner on the occasions of the successful completion of his research. He wanted to take good care of his friend & accordingly be arranged a very lavish dinner in the dinner in a star hotel. On the day ,to his shock & surprise the friends could not turn up to the dinner ,consequently all the dishes & money were wasted . He was terribly disapppointed.In the above case which of the following remedies is / are available to Mr.K for the loss caused to him ? Show Answer

Q52) G paid Rs.1,00,000 to H to influence the head of the Government Organization in order to provide him some employment .On his failure to provide the job , G sued H for recovery of the amount .Which of the following is correct ?` Show Answer

Q53) V purchased a used computer from P thinking it as a computer imported from USA ,P failed to disclose the fact to V . On knowing the fact V wants to repudiate the contract. Which of the following statements is correct ? Show Answer

Q54) Undue influence involves Show Answer

Q55) A false representation exists only when it is made Show Answer

Q56) Misrepresentation means Show Answer

Q57) Act of assenting to an offer Show Answer

Q58) Both the parties of a contract make a mistake Show Answer

Q59) Mutual Consent parties means : Show Answer

Q60) The word "TORT" means Show Answer

Q61) A consent is said to be free when it is not caused by Show Answer

Q62) Two or more persons are said to consent Show Answer

Q63) anything committing ,or threatening to commit ,any act forbidden by the Indian penal code, with intention of causing any person to enter into an agreement is called Show Answer

Q64) The unlawful detention of any property of a person to obtain his consent to a contract amounts to Show Answer

Q65) Coercion, if employed ----------- does not amount to free consent. Show Answer

Q66) Undue influence is not presumed when the relationship between the parties is Show Answer

Q67) Undue influence can be exercised by Show Answer

Q68) The active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of the fact called Show Answer

Q69) Burden of proof under unconscionable transaction lies on the Show Answer

Q70) any fact undisclosed in an insurance contract amount to Show Answer

Q71) When a person positively asserts that a fact is true when his information does not warrant it to be so, though he believes it to be true, there is Show Answer

Q72) The aggrieved party may ----------- when the consent is obtained by misrepresentation Show Answer

Q73) when consent to an agreement is caused by coercion ,fraud or misrepresentation the contract is Show Answer

Q74) Coercion is defined under Show Answer

Q75) Undue influence is defined in section Show Answer

Q76) Fraud is defined in section Show Answer

Q77) Misrepresentation is defined in section Show Answer

Q78) Any Breach of duty made without and intent to deceive constitutes Show Answer

Q79) An act of coercion Show Answer

Q80) A contract caused by consent of both the parties as to mistake is Show Answer

Q81) Contract under misrepresentation is Show Answer

Q82) A ,a money lender ,advance Rs.100 to B ,an agriculturist ,and by undue influence induces B to execute a bond for Rs.200 with interest at 6 % p.m .the court may Show Answer

Q83) A contract can be avoided on ground of unilateral mistake if such mistake relates to the nature of the contract, and not to the terms of the contract. Show Answer

Q84) In which of the following cases of the mistake is the contract valid ? Show Answer

Q85) A fraudulently informs B that A's estate is free from encumbrance .B there upon buys the estate .the estate is subject to a mortgage .B may : Show Answer

Q86) A ,intending to deceive B,falsely represents that 5,000 bags are made monthly at A's factory & thereby induces B to buy the factory .the contract is Show Answer

Q87) Mistake of a fact is Show Answer

Q88) A contract caused by a mistake as to any law not in force in India Show Answer

Q89) A contract caused by one of the parties to it being under a mistake as to matter of fact Show Answer

Q90) the distinction between fraud & misrepresentation are Show Answer

Q91) Mental pressure is involved in case of Show Answer

Q92) Misrepresentation can be committed by Show Answer

Q93) S instructs T to enter on his behalf a wagering transaction. T loses in the transaction pays from his pocket. He thereafter sues S for reimbursement. Can S raise plea of wager ? Show Answer

Q94) some money has been paid to a person by mistake Show Answer

Q95) a person took some money by coercion from a person Show Answer

Q96) The act of coercion can be exercised by Show Answer

Q97) The word "ESTOPPELS" as per Indian contract act means Show Answer

Q98) When the consent to an agreement is obtained by coercion, the contract is Show Answer

Q99) The burden of proof under coercion lies on the---------- Show Answer

Q100) Coercion in English Law is called as ---------------- Show Answer

Q101) To employ coercion relationship between the parties is Show Answer

Q102) A tells his wife that he would commit suicide, if she did not transfer her personal assets to him. She does so under his threat. Show Answer

Q103) If a party stands in a fiduciary relation to the other Show Answer

Q104) If the contract is avoided on the ground of ------------, it is at the discretion of the court to direct the aggrieved party to restore or refund the benefit received. Show Answer

Q105) A Hindu widow borrowed money from a lender for the purpose of filing a suit for maintenance. The thlender advanced moneyat 100 percent lender is induce by. Show Answer

Q106) When the consent to an agreement is caused by undue influence, the contract is Show Answer

Q107) A money lender charging higher rate of interest from money borrowers, is an example of ---------- Show Answer

Q108) Burden of proof under a contract with pardanashin woman lies on the Show Answer

Q109) A person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of other of the another if the other parson's mental capacity affected by Show Answer

Q110) To employ undue influence, some sort of relationship between parties is Show Answer

Q111) If the dominant party uses his superior position and obtains an unfair advantage over the weaker party,----------- is said to be employed. Show Answer

Q112) Mere silence, likely to effect the willingness of a party to enter into a contract is not a fraud unless. Show Answer

Q113) A duty to speak exists Show Answer

Q114) If the party had suffered the losses using the subject matter which was represented wrongfully though he knew about the fraud then Show Answer

Q115) X says to Y . If you do not deny it, I shall assume that the hours is sound. If the horse is unsound and X says nothing, there is a Show Answer

Q116) Which silence does not amount to fraud ? Show Answer

Q117) The aggrieved party can claim damages in case of Show Answer

Q118) Silence is not equal to fraud in case of Show Answer

Q119) A sold some land to B. At the time of sale, both the parties believed in good faith, that the area of the land sold was 10 hectares. It, however, turned out that the area was the 7 hectares only, How is the contract of sale affected ? Show Answer

Q120) If a person sings a document thinking it of a different class such contract is Show Answer

Q121) Case Law Cundy Vs. Lindsay and Co deals with Show Answer

Q122) Contract can be there among two persons Show Answer

Q123) Under undue influence Show Answer

Q124) Pardanashin woman is Show Answer

Q125) It is a duty to prove that the consent is taken by undue influence Show Answer

Q126) Which of the following relationship do not raise presumption of undue influences ? Show Answer

Q127) Duty to speak exist in case Show Answer

Q128) The concept of "Duress" under English Contract Law is similar to Show Answer

Q129) X offers to sell a painting to Z which X knows is the copy of a well-known master piece. Z thinking that the painting is original decided to buy it at a very high price. Is this valid contract ? Show Answer

Q130) In one case, though the husband was a divorcee, he did not disclose the fact of his previous marriages to his wife and in law. It was held that the consent was obtained by Show Answer

Q131) A man, by the name of Soham , went to a Jeweller shop and chose and a costly ring. He tendered the payment by a cheque , which he signed in the name of Garish, a person of a credit , He took the ring and pledged in to Bholanath , who had no notice fraud. Can the Jeweller recover he ring from Bola Nath. Show Answer

Q132) Where he presumption of " Undue Influence" does not exists : Show Answer

Q133) To avoid a contract under the claim of "Coercion" The Indian Penal should be in force where coercion is employed. Show Answer

Q134) A contract which is avoided on grounds of Undue Influence may be set aside- Show Answer

Q135) To invoke undue influence, the aggrieved party has to prove that the Show Answer

Q136) Where some transaction is entered into the ordinary course of business; but due to certain contingencies, one party is able to make the other party agree to certain terms and conditions, then, it is a case of Undue influence. Show Answer

Q137) Mere proof of nearness of relationship is not sufficient for the Court to assume that one party was in a position to domination the will of another. Show Answer

Q138) A wife has an implied authority of the husband to buy articles of household necessity, if the wife Show Answer

Q139) Fraud may be committed by Show Answer

Q140) Where interest of third parties intervene, before the contract is avoided, such contract cannot be rescinded, even if the consent of the party is caused by fraud. Show Answer

Q141) Sohan included Suraj buy his motorcycle saying that it was in very good condition. After taking the motorcycle, Suraj complained that there were many defects in the motorcycle. Sohan proposed to pay 40% cost of repairs after a few days, the motorcycle did not work at all. In this case, Suraj - Show Answer

Q142) A woman falsely representing herself to be wife of a well known Baron obtained two pearl necklaces from a form of jewellers on the pretext for showing them to her husband before buying. She pledged them with a broker who took them in good faith. In this case. Show Answer

Q143) P wrote to H inquiring price of rifle suggesting that he might buy as many as 50, on receipt of information, he telegraphed, "end there rifles" Due to telegraphic mistake, message was transmitted as "send the rifles" H despatched 50 rifles. In this case - Show Answer

Q144) P wrote to H inquiring price of rifles suggesting that he might buy as many as 50.On receipt on information, he telegraphed, "send three rifles". Due to telegraphic mistake, message was transmitted as "Send the rifles". H despatched 50 rifles. Though the agreement is void on account of mistake, P could be hold liable to pay for three rifles on the basic of an implied contract. Show Answer

Q145) Coercion includes - Show Answer

Q146) N threatens L's wife that their son M would be abducted if L did not lease out their land to him (N). This is a case of - Show Answer

Q147) Threat to commit suicide amounts to - Show Answer

Q148) When the consent to the contract is caused by coercion, the contract is - Show Answer

Q149) The concept of "Duress" under English Contract Law is similar to - Show Answer

Q150) Under English Law, if the threat is in relation to goods or property of another person, it is not duress. Show Answer

Q151) A Stronger party is able to dominate the will of the Weaker party, then it is known as _______ Show Answer

Q152) When the consent is caused by undue influence, the contract is - Show Answer

Q153) Obtaining the consent on the basis of a relation subsisting between two persons where one party is able to dominate the will of the another is called - Show Answer

Q154) F, a money lender, advances ? 10,000 to J, an agriculturist and by undue influence, induces J to sign a bond for ? 25,000 with interest at 5% p.m. The Court may set aside the Bond, with orders to pay only ? 10,000 at such nominal interest as it may deem fit. Show Answer

Q155) An illiterate old woman made a gift deed of practically her entire property to her nephew who managed her affairs. The gift can be set aside on the grounds of - Show Answer

Q156) Mere proof of nearness of relationship is not sufficient for the Court to assume that one relation was in a position to dominate the will of another. Show Answer

Q157) Which of the following relationships do not raise a presumption of undue influence? Show Answer

Q158) Which of the following will stand under Fiduciary Relationship as per Indian Contract Act, 1872? Show Answer

Q159) To employ Undue Influence, some sort of relationship between the parties is - Show Answer

Q160) Undue Influence involves - Show Answer

Q161) Which of these constitute Fraud? Show Answer

Q162) Which of the following is not included in the term 'fraud? Show Answer

Q163) A promise made without any intention of performing it cannot be regarded as Fraud. Show Answer

Q164) An intentional Misrepresentation will amount to - Show Answer

Q165) Mere silence as to facts, likely to affect the willingness of a person to enter into a contract is not Fraud. Show Answer

Q166) In a case, though the husband was a divorcee, he did not disclose the fact of his previous marriage to his wife and other relatives. It was held that the consent to marriage had been obtained by - Show Answer

Q167) A buyer bought some jewellery thinking that it is real where as it is not so. The seller did not correct the opinion of buyer. Can the buyer makes any claim on the ground of fraud? Show Answer

Q168) Duty to speak exists in case - Show Answer

Q169) X bought shares in a Company on the faith of a prospectus that contained an untrue statement as to the Directorship of J. X had never heard of J and hence such statement was immaterial from his view point. X claimed damages for fraud. His claim will be dismissed on the ground that - Show Answer

Q170) The positive assertion of such fact, which is not true, though he believes it to be true, made in a manner not warranted by the information of the person making it, constitutes - Show Answer

Q171) Any Breach of Duty made without an intent to deceive constitutes - Show Answer

Q172) Which is true statement in voidable contract, the injured party: Show Answer

Q173) Which of the following statements is not correct? Show Answer

Q174) Erroneous opinion as to value of subject matter is not a Mistake of Fact. Show Answer

Q175) P offers, to sell a painting to K which P knows is the copy of a well known masterpiece. K thinking that the painting is original decides to buy it at a very high price. Is this a valid contract? Show Answer

Q176) X agreed to purchase a ring from S. X believed that ring was a diamond ring. S knows that X was under a mistake and did not disclose the fact. Show Answer

Q177) Peter buys a mosquito killer machine assuming that it is worth Rupees 50000. But actuallyit costs Rupees 5000. The remedy available to Peter ______ Show Answer

Q178) One Blenkam, knowing that Blenkiron & Co were reputed customers of Lindsay & Co, placed an order with Lindsay & Co. by imitating signatures of Blenkiron. Goods were then sold to Cundy, an innocent buyer. Lindsay & Co. sued Cundy for recovery of goods. In this case - Show Answer

Q179) A agrees to sell his horse to B. But unknown to both the parties, the horse had already died at the time of making of the contract. The contract is - Show Answer

Q180) A contract was made for purchase of certain bales of cotton to arrive by a ship called "Peerless" from Mumbai. Two ships of the same name (Peerless) were to sail from Mumbai. Buyer intended to buy cargo of one ship but Seller was selling the cargo of other. The contract is void on grounds of mistake as to - Show Answer

Q181) P wrote to H inquiring price of rifles suggesting that he might buy as many as 50. On receipt of information, he telegraphed, "Send three rifles". Due to telegraphic mistake, message was transmitted as "Send the rifles". H despatched 50 rifles. Though the agreement is void on account of mistake, P could be held liable to pay for three rifles on the basis of an implied contract. Show Answer

Q182) Mistake as to Foreign Law is treated in the same manner as - Show Answer

Q183) Consent obtained by Fraud makes the agreement void. Show Answer

Q184) Commercial impossibility does not make the contract void. Show Answer

Q185) Transaction incidental to wagering agreements are not void. Show Answer

Q186) A contract can be avoided if consent is caused by fraud. Show Answer

Q187) A threat to commit suicide does not amount to Coercion. Show Answer

Q188) International misrepresentation is ‘fraud’. Show Answer

Q189) In order to constitute a valid contract, consideration between two parties must be adequate. Show Answer

Q190) A threat to lodge criminal prosecution on a false charge amounts to coercion. Show Answer

Q191) A wrong representation when made without any intention to deceive the other party amounts to Show Answer

Q192) Which of the following statement is true? Show Answer

Q193) In case of illegal agreement, the collateral agreements are Show Answer

Q194) An agreement is void if it is opposed to public policy. Which of the following is not covered by heads of public policy? Show Answer

Q195) A paid Rs. 5000 to a Government servant to get him a contract for the canteen. The Government servant could not get the contract. Can A recover Rs. 5000 paid by him to the Government servant? Show Answer

Q196) With regard to the contractual capacity of a person of unsound mind, which one of the following statements is most appropriate? Show Answer

Q197) An agreement made under mistake of fact, by both the parties, forming the essential subject matter of the agreement is Show Answer

Q198) A is in dire need of Rs. 1,00,000 but was unable to get any loan from banks as he had no security to offer. A approached his friend B who knowing the helpless position of A lent money at a very high rate of interest, saying that he had himself borrowed money from C. The contract is: Show Answer

Q199) Which of the following is not an exception to the rule that the agreement in restraint of trade is void? Show Answer

Q200) A wagering agreement in India is declared by the Contract Act as Show Answer

Q201) An agreement, the object of which is to procure a public post, is Show Answer

Q202) While obtaining the consent of the promise, keeping silence by the promisor when he has a duty to speak about the material facts, amounts to consent obtained by: Show Answer

Q203) A enters into an agreement with B who has robbed A of Rs. 10,000 to drop prosecution against him in consideration of B’s returning Rs. 8,000. Afterwards B refused to pay. A can get from B Show Answer

Q204) On attaining the age of majority, a minor’s agreement: Show Answer

Q205) A threat to kidnap one’s son in consideration of Rs. 5,00,000 is void because of: Show Answer

Q206) In which of the following case, aggrieved part can sue for damages: Show Answer

Q207) A mere attempt to deceive a party to a contract: Show Answer